niedziela, 26 grudnia 2010

Xmas Sepia

Xmas time is so special, that I decided not to continue my family story this week, but jump to the only older Xmas photos I have. Next time the story will be back, I promise.

The pictures were taken as slides during Christmas Eve in, most probably 1967 (my sister looks 3 years old). Unfortunately the slides were very 'grainy'. They were taken in my family flat. As you can see below, we spent them with my maternal grandparents and my uncle Jan, their son and my mother's brother. The grandparents are the same, which you can see in my two previous posts. As far as I remember we were spending eve either at our flat or at my grandparents'. Usually with more family members, but a year before my greatgrandmother (mother of grandma) died and in the begining of 1967 my dad's father also died (he lived with us). 

I suppose that no special comment is required. Maybe only that the first and third pictures show my father Lechoslaw, second and fourth my uncle Jan (now living in US). The young girl is my sister Malgorzata, and I am that boy of six. My mother and grandparents can be seen on all of the pictures.

Xmas tree is not very impressive. Most probably it was very hard to get any Xmas tree at all at that time.

All my best to you all.

piątek, 17 grudnia 2010

Sepia Saturday - my third input

As I decided earlier - each week I will show one part of my family history. So I choosed my maternal grandfather for this week.
Jozef was born in 1910 in Lublin county.
His father, my greatgrandfather Jan was an organist in a village Popkowice, Lublin county, graduated in music at Kiev University. I have only this one picture of him.
My grandfather oldest picture comes from his graduation certificate from secondary school from 1931. Then he looked like below:
After secondary school he served an army. Below the picture from 1932. My grandfather first from the left.

Here are two pictures of him being a student of Catholic University of Lublin - please notice a characteristic cap on his head. First is a 'walking' photo. Both were taken in 1934 in Lublin. Here second from the left, next picture in the middle.
Last for this post (as I decided to close this week before my granddad met my grandmom) is a picture of his sister, Zofia, who was a school teacher. This is the young girl to the right, with long hair. What is also interesting in the picture is the guy there. I do not know the year, when the picture was taken, but there are teachers and a school master in Warszawice, small town in Garwolin county. And this guy, the school master, is Piotr Jaroszewicz (check the link). After second world war he was a communist politician, in1970 -80 he was a 'red' prime minister of Poland.

piątek, 10 grudnia 2010

My second Sepiaday

It took me some time to decide what to show next. I still have a lot old pictures in my family archive and hope to get more.
So this time I will go directly to the young years of my grandmom, the daughter and granddaughter of the two ladies presented the previous week.
My greatgrandmom Eleonora had 10 children: 6 daughters and 4 sons. My grandmom Feliksa was born in 1913. Her oldest picture is dated 1926. She played in a primary school theater - her role was a mother and, as an oldest one, she is sitting in the middle. 
Next picture was taken in her secondary school in 1930. She is sitting as first from the left.
Next are two photos I like. My grandmom was probably 17 - 20 years old then. 

In 1930s it was very popular to take photos while walking in the main street. I suppose there were many photographers who were proposing people they would take their photo and thus earning their lifes. In my archive I have a lot such photos. First presented was taken in 1935 in Sambor. My grandmom first from the left. I love the man's top-hat, which seems so funny nowadays. You can see poor, shoesless girl to the left.
Next picture shows my grandmom (left) with a friend in 1934. It was taken in Lublin.
Next picture is from Sambor 1934, which was taken from Poland after Second World War. My grandmom first left. My grandfather worked there then (one of next weeks ;-)) 
And the last 'walking photo' of my grandmom. Taken in Lublin in 1933. I know the place - the buildings remained the same - maybe look better now, the gate stands straight. Main street in Lublin. 200 m further is the palce, where second 'walking picture' was taken. As my wife said, both coats and shoes might be in a fashion nowadays.

sobota, 4 grudnia 2010

Sepia Saturday

Dziś natknąłem się na blogi związane z projektem Sepia Saturday i pomysł bardzo mi się spodobał. Wcześniej umieszczałem stare rodzinne zdjęcia na swojej stronie, teraz postanowiłem dołączyć do projektu. Poprzez stronę chcę dzielić się swoimi archiwaliami z innymi, może także odnaleźć te gałęzie rodziny, z którymi kontakt urwał się dawno temu - bo porozjeżdżali się po świecie, bo inne zdarzenia losowe tak pokierowały.

Pierwsze zdjęcia, które prezentuję, są chyba najstarsze w mojej kolekcji, natomiast nie wiem kiedy zostały zrobione.
Na pierwszym zdjęciu moja praprababcia - Marianna Rachoń, z domu Feledyn, na drugim zdjęciu wraz ze swoją córką Eleonorą. O Mariannie wiem niewiele - tylko tyle, że jej ojciec pochodził z Ostrowa pod Lublinem i że miała dwóch braci: Stefana, który wyemigrował do Ameryki, gdzie ślad się urywa, Ludwika, który miał córkę Adelę (po mężu Gołofit), siostrę Katarzynę, po mężu Zuber i jeszcze jedną siostrę, której imienia nie znam. 
Marianna po raz pierwszy wyszła za mąż w wieku 16 lat, jednak jej mąż zmarł rok po ślubie. Wiem o nim tylko tyle, że był synem młynarza. Z tego małżeństwa miała córkę Władysławę.
Jeżeli chodzi o moją prababcię Eleonorę, to zmarła, gdy miałem pięć lat. Pamiętam ją bardzo dobrze, zarówno z jej wizyt w domu moich rodziców, jak i z wizyt u niej, w Lublinie na ulicy Narutowicza, gdzie mieszkała w kamienicy należącej do jej najmłodszego brata, Stefana Rachonia.
Przed wojną miała sklep w hotelu Victoria  w Lublinie. Ten hotel był pierwszym budynkiem zbombardowanym przez Niemców w Lublinie podczas II wojny światowej. Była krawcową.

Thanks for comments. I decided to edit my post and add some words in English. I will do it also for all my future posts. Maybe not as many details as in Polish, but just a shorter version, explaining my pictures.
I would also like to add that Sepia Saturday idea was something I fell in love ;) from a first moment. Earlier I tried to present my old archives through my site, but I realised that nowadays, with millions and millions of websites it is really hard to get to people who could be interested in.
So these two photos are probably the oldest ones in my archive, but I could not find the year they were taken.
The upper one presents my greatgreatgrandmom, Marianna. As I found she was married twice: first time when she was only 16, but a year later her husband died. From a second marriage she had 10 children. One of them was Eleonora, my greatgrandmom - you can see her on the second photo. She was born in 1883, thus I suppose that both photos could be taken around 1900. When my greatgrandmom died in 1966 I was only five, but I remember her very well. Before World War II she had a shop in a center of Lublin, then she was a tailor. She lived in a house belonging to Stefan Rachon, who was her youngest brother and famous Polish conductor.